Army Institute of Technology
Permanently Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, NBA Accreditation(All UG Programs),NAAC Accredited
  • Tender List

Tender List

Date Due Date Description
10/03/2025 31/03/2025 RFP - Renewal of Bundle Licence subscription for Fortigate Firewall
07/03/2025 28/03/2025 CFQ: Requirement of Rented Server
07/03/2025 27/03/2025 CFQ: Procurement of PCs in Multimedia Lab
21/02/2025 08/03/2025 Procurement of network switch (48 Port) for exam section (Autonomy)
14/02/2025 Notice-02: Extn of Due Date: Feasibility Study
04/02/2025 25/02/2025 CFQ: Procurement of print books for Library(Student suggestion)
Feb, 2025 Due to less participation of vendors than expected numbers, considering fruitful competition, please extend the due date from 07 Feb 2025 to 17 Feb 2025.
Pre-bid Meeting Minutes: Conservancy Services in AIT
04/02/2025 25/02/2025 Requirement of 6 KVA UPS for CCTV in Abdul kalam hostel in AIT
31/01/2025 21/02/2025 Procurement of printers for Examination cell (Autonomy)
31/01/2025 21/02/2025 Procurement of 6 KVA spot welding machine for EV lab in AIT
31/01/2025 21/02/2025 Procurement of high speed document scanner for examination unit (Autonomy)
31/01/2025 21/02/2025 Procurement of PCs in exam section (Autonomy)
29/01/2025 18/02/2025 Procurement of Digital Duplicator / Photo copying machine in Exam section (Autonomy)
27/01/2025 Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting: Feasibility Study on New Academic Block
23/01/2025 12/02/2024 CFQ: Physics Lab Instrument
23/01/2025 Revised RFP: Conservancy Services in AIT
23/01/2025 Extension of due dates for RFP
17/01/2025 14/02/2025 CFQ - Provisioning of 10 KVA UPS with batteries for CEAR in AIT
17/01/2025 14/02/2025 CFQ - Purchase of new VR Workstation for the AR-VR club
15/01/2025 31/01/2025 CFQ - Procurement of PC's in Artificial Intelligence Lab
10/01/2025 31/01/2025 CFQ - Procurement of PCs for CEAR
08/01/2025 RFP- Fixing of Aluminium Window
08/01/2025 RFP - Feasibility Study for Construction of New Academic Block
01/01/2025 19/01/2025 Tender Notice: Open Air Cafeteria, AIT
30/12/2024 RFP-Resurfacing of Internal Roads of AIT
18/12/2024 RFP-Conservancy Services in AIT
13/12/2024 31/12/2024 CFP-Provisioning of 10 KVA UPS with batteries for programming lab in E&TC Dept
05/12/2024 26/12/2024 CFP - Procurement of Uniform for 1st year Cadets
05/12/2024 26/12/2024 CFP - Procurement of Computers for Advance Communication Lab in E&TC Dept
27/11/2024 RFP - Procurement of LED Screen in Raman Theatre
12/11/2024 RFP - Procurement of 15X Computer for ME Computer Lab
12/11/2024 29/11/2024 Procurement of Computers for CAD lab in Mechanical Dept
23/10/2024 20/11/2024 Procurement of print books for library (ARE Mech Engg textbook)
23/10/2024 20/11/2024 Procurement of print books for library (E&TC Engg textbook)
04/10/2024 24/10/2024 CFQ: Provisioning of Electrical Items
10/10/2024 30/10/2024 CFQ: Repair & Maint SSB Ground Obstacle
03/10/2024 18/10/2024 CFQ: Procurement of Network Switch in Advanve Communication lab
03/10/2024 18/10/2024 CFQ: Provisioning of Generator Set for Mess
23/09/2024 14/10/2024 Procurement of webcams for Placement exams and IT Dept.
25/09/2024 RFP - Appointment of Chartered Accountant
24/09/2024 04/10/2024 Procurement of new batteries of UPS in T&P Office
23/09/2024 04/10/2024 Procurement of TV & WiFi set in Basic Electronics lab
19/09/2024 10/10/2024 Procurement of PC's in basic electronic lab in E&TC department
13/09/2024 30/09/2024 Procurement of Network Switch 24 Ports
13/09/2024 04/10/2024 Procurement of Print books for library (ASGE, Automation and robotics engineering textbook and referance book)
13/09/2024 30/09/2024 Procurement of access point in new IT Labs and digital library of IT Dept
04/09/2024 RFP Procurement of T-Shirts for Students (amendment the specification at para 21 of RFP as follows:- For Cloth 300 gsm. Read Cloth 250-300 gsm)
27/08/2024 Invitation of Commercial Bids for Provision of ERP Software for AIT
RFP Provision of ERP Software for AIT
For: Para 26 (a) Delivery Schedule Delivery of all modules - 90 days Migration of data and testing - 60 days after delivery
Read: Delivery of all modules along with migration of data and testing - 180 days after the issue of Purchase Order.
28/08/2024 18/09/2024 CFQ Procurement of Computers for PCB Lab in E&TC Dept
23/08/2024 13/09/2024 CFQ Procurement of New Printers in IT Dept
23/08/2024 13/09/2024 CFQ Procurement of New LCD Projector for E&TC ClassRoom
08/08/2024 29/08/2024 CFQ Procurement of Headphones for Language Lab
Aug 2024 Procurement of 30 Computers
Aug 2024 Procurement of 25 seater Bus
21/07/2024 21/08/2024 CFQ - BOOKS FOR LIBRARY
11/07/2024 31/07/2024 CFQ: Printing of College Magazine 'SRIJNA 2023-24'
01/07/2024 22/07/2024 CFQ: Procurement of Computer for BC Joshi Hall
28/06/2024 Procurement of Network 10G Switch for Server Room (RFP dtd 17 May 2024)
25/06/2024 10/07/2024 Invitation of Bids for Group Term Insurance policy for Employees of AIT (Year 2024-25)
Extended the Date of receipt of Tender till 20 July 2024 due to issue of increase of Life Cover of 25 Lakh.
Data for Group Term Insurance policy
25/06/2024 10/07/2024 Invitation of Bids for Group Medi-Claim for Employees of AIT (Year 2024-25)
Data for Group Medi-Claim policy
25/06/2024 10/07/2024 CFQ: Procurement of Atta Making Machine, Dosa Bhatti and Alu Patela in Mess No 2
21/06/2024 12/07/2024 Invitation of Bids for Stitching of Blazer First Year Students of Batch 2024-25
21/06/2024 RFP and Pre-Bid Points for Construction of Girls Common Room
21/06/2024 RFP and Pre-Bid Points for Construction of Paper Checking Room
21/06/2024 12/07/2024 Invitation of Bids for Procurement of Server in AIT Library
19/06/2024 03/07/2024 CFQ: Procurement of New Cartridge
12/06/2024 28/06/2024 CFQ: Renewal of Antivirus Software in IT Department
05/06/2024 28/06/2024 RFP: Invitation of Bids for Procurement of Uniform Cloth for Boiler Suits for FE students of batch 2024-25
05/06/2024 27/06/2024 CFQ: Stitching of Uniform Boiler Suits for FE students 2024-25
05/06/2024 RFP: Invitation of Bids for Setting up of Hyper Lab for Virtual Laboratories and Thin Client for AIT
31/05/2024 RFP: Construction of Paper Checking Room for Examination Cell
31/05/2024 RFP: Construction of Girls Common Room
22/05/2024 12/06/2024 CFQ: Stitching of Uniform Trousers for the FE Students 2024-25
22/05/2024 12/06/2024 CFQ: Stitching of Uniform Shirts for the FE Students 2024-25
22/05/2024 06/06/2024 CFQ: Procurement of 3KVA UPS for main gate
17/05/2024 07/06/2024 RFP: Procurement of Network 10G Switch for Server Room
09/05/2024 24/05/2024 CFQ: Purchase of Networking Switch(C9200 L-48T-4G-E) for New IT Lab
08/05/2024 24/05/2024 CFQ: Purchase of Networking Switch(C9200 L-48T-4G-E) for New IT Lab IV
08/05/2024 24/05/2024 CFQ: Procurement of Computers in Centre of Excellence for AI and Robotics
06/05/2024 RFP- Procurement of Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) Software for Dept of Mechanical Engg
09/05/2024 24/05/2024 CFQ- Purchase of 10KVA UPS(01 No) With Battery for New IT Lab(SL-V)
09/05/2024 24/05/2024 CFQ- Purchase of 20KVA UPS(01 No) With Battery for New IT Lab(SL-III and SL IV)
25/04/2024 CFQ- Procurement of print Books for Library(IT dept reference and Textbook)
25/04/2024 15/05/2024 CFQ- Procurement of print Books for Library(Computer, ETC, ASGE reference and Textbook)
25/04/2024 17/05/2024 CFQ- Provisioning of Window Curtain for the FE students Batch 2024-25
25/04/2024 17/05/2024 CFQ- Provisioning of Tie for the FE students Batch 2024-25
15/04/2024 06/05/2024 RFP- Procurement of Matresses for First Year Students of Batch 2024-25
15/04/2024 06/05/2024 CFQ- Hiring of Civil Transport
12/04/2024 RFP- Invitation of Bids for Procurement of Uniform Clothes for First Year Students of Batch 2024-25
02/04/2024 RFP- LED Screen for Raman Theatre
28/03/2024 18/04/2024 CFQ- Procurement of Netowrking Switch (9200L-4G-E)
18/03/2024 05/04/2024 CFQ- Procurement of Proportional Directional Control Valve, Pressure Regulator and Flow Sensor for F.P. Control Lab in Mech Dept
18/03/2024 04/04/2024 CFQ- Procurement of Signal Generators and Power Supplies for NPL Lab
18/03/2024 04/04/2024 CFQ- Procurement of Purchase of Equipments for Music Club
07/03/2024 26/03/2024 CFQ- Procurement of Network 10G Switch For Server Room
27/02/2024 23/03/2024 CFQ- CQ - Print Books For Library
27/02/2024 22/03/2024 CFQ- Procurement of Computers in CAD Lab in Mechanical Engg Dept
14/02/2024 29/02/2024 CFQ- Advanced Excel and Power BI Training in Computer Engg Dept
30/01/2024 15/02/2024 CQ - Procurement of 10KVA UPS for ME Lab
01/02/2024 28/02/2024 CQ - Procurement of PC for Thermal Engg Lab - II
30/01/2024 28/02/2024 CQ - Requirement of Consultant for Feasibility Study for Construction of New Boys Hostel
19/01/2024 02/02/2024 CQ - Procurement of PC for ASGE Dept in AIT
18/01/2024 09/02/2024 CQ - Procurement of Portable Microphone
11/12/2023 Invitation of Bids for Constuction of RCC Slab for Classrooms and Tutorial Rooms for Increased intake in IT Dept (AIT)
07/12/2023 29/12/2023 CFQ-Procurement of Critical Heat Flux Setup in Mechanical Engg Dept
23/11/2023 14/12/2023 Procurement of Print Books for Library(ME books)
22/11/2023 04/12/2023 CFQ: Procurement of 6KVA/ 192V Online UPS in Academic Block
09/11/2023 Procurement of Public Address System for Raman Theatre in AIT
08/11/2023 Invitation of Bids for Establishment of Open Gymnasium in AIT
07/11/2023 Invitation of Bids for Procurement of 27 X Computers in IT Dept
27/10/2023 16/11/2023 CQ - IT and ETC Text Books, Reference Book
27/10/2023 16/11/2023 CQ - Computer Text Book and Reference Book
27/10/2023 16/11/2023 CQ - Computer Print Book
26/10/2023 Tender: Procurement and fixing of VRF Cassette AC System in New FE Computer Lab in ASGE Dept in AIT
13/10/2023 30/10/2023 CQ - Procurment of PH Meter in Chemistry Lab
13/10/2023 30/10/2023 CQ - Procurment of Colorimeter Instrument in Chemistry Lab
27/09/2023 18/10/2023 CQ - Antivirus Software for Kaspersky Endpoint Renewal
26/09/2023 16/10/2023 CQ - Audit for Best Practices
03/10/2023 13/10/2023 Tender for Open Air Cafeteria 2023
03/10/2023 13/10/2023 Tender for Open Air Cafeteria 2023
25/09/2023 14/10/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Print Books for Library(Book Bank Mech)
11/09/2023 26/09/2023 CFQ: PRINT BOOKS - BOOK BANK ENTC
11/09/2023 26/09/2023 CFQ: PRINT BOOKS - LIBRARY
11/09/2023 26/09/2023 CFQ: PRINT BOOKS - WELLNESS
11/09/2023 26/09/2023 CFQ: Provisioning of Dust Bin 120 Ltrs
11/09/2023 26/09/2023 CFQ: PCs for Digital Library
06/09/2023 18/09/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Print Books for Library
05/09/2023 20/09/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Print Books for Library (Technical Books(E&TC) Recom by Students)
04/09/2023 18/09/2023 <CFQ: Provisioning of Electrical Items for Maintenance
01/09/2023 15/09/2023 CFQ: Provisioning of TV 55" for Recreation Room for Vishweshvariya and Capt Gurbir Singh Hostel
01/09/2023 15/09/2023 CFQ: Provisioning of Sports Item for Recreation Room for Vishweshvariya and Capt Gurbir Singh Hostel
28/08/2023 15/09/2023 CFQ: Provisioning of Wall Mounted Fan
28/08/2023 18/09/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Print Books for Library (Soft Skills, General Reading Books and Technical Books recom by Students)
25/08/2023 11/09/2023 CFQ: Procurement of classroom Lecture Recording System in LH-01 of IT dept
23/08/2023 15/09/2023 CFQ: Procurement of 3 X Desktop Computers in E&TC Department
21/08/2023 31/08/2023 Procurement of 2 X 48 Port Networking Switch for FE Computer Lab
27/07/2023 17/08/2023 CFQ - Function Generator
25/07/2023 01/08/2023 CFQ - Stitching of Uniform Shirt for FE 2023-24 Batch
26/07/2023 02/08/2023 CFQ - Stitching of Uniform Trousers for FE 2023-24 Batch
25/07/2023 02/08/2023 CFQ - Stitching of Uniform Boiler Suit for FE 2023-Batch
25/07/2023 01/08/2023 CFQ - Stitching of Uniform Blazer for FE 2023-24 IT, ETC and Mechanical Engg Batches
11/07/2023 31/07/2023 RFP - Provision of Security Services
04/07/2023 21/07/2023 CFQ - Procurement of Door Mats
22/06/2023 RFP - Procurement of Cisco Catalyst Switch 9200 Series POE+ 10G for Hostel
28/06/2023 RFP - WIFI Controllers and Access Points
22/06/2023 IoB for Group Medi-Claim & Term Insurance policy for Employees of AIT (Year 2023-24)
* Mediclaim Details
20/06/2023 30/06/2023 CFQ: 10KVA UPS for BCJ Hall
01/06/2023 10/06/2023 CFQ: Procurement of 10 kva UPS for CEAR Lab
19/05/2023 31/05/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Renewal 1 Yr License
22/05/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Uniform clothes for FE students of Batch 2023-24
18/05/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Mattresses for FE students of Batch 2023-24
18/05/2023 31/05/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Water Dispensers in AIT
18/05/2023 31/05/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Water Coolers in Hostels
25/04/2023 08/05/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Construction Materials for Staff Accn
27/04/2023 Invitation of Bids for Provision of Conservancy/ Housekeeping Services in AIT - Phase I
27/04/2023 Invitation of Bids for Provision of Conservancy/ Housekeeping Services in AIT - Phase II
26/04/2023 10/05/2023 CFQ: Computers For CAE Lab
21/04/2023 03/05/2023 CFQ: Computers For CAD Lab
21/04/2023 04/05/2023 CFQ: PC For Lab III in IT dept
20/04/2023 04/05/2023 CFQ: Requirement of PC for Foyer TV
20/04/2023 30/04/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Laptop for IQAC Cell
18/04/2023 30/04/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Power Electronics Kits for Network Power Lab
18/04/2023 30/04/2023 CFQ - Laptop in ASGE
18/04/2023 25/04/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Power Electronics Kits for Network Power Lab
10/04/2023 RFP: Procurement of Solidworks Education Software
31/03/2023 13/04/2023 CFQ: Procurement of 3 KVA Online UPS in NPL of E&TC Dept
16/03/2023 RFP: Procurement of Cisco Catalyst Switch 9200 Series POE+10G for Hostel
27/02/2023 RFP: Renovations of Robotics Lab
14/02/2023 14/03/2023 Tender :Extension Of Homi Bhabha Student Hostel Building
23/01/2023 13/02/2023 CQ - Physics Lab Eqpt
17/01/2023 RFP - Resurfacing Of Roads
17/01/2023 RFP - Procurement Of Network Switch For NCSC Project
13/01/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Cisco Managed Switch and wall mount mild Steel 9U NW rack in HPL Lab and Project Lab
10/01/2023 RFP: Procurement of Compactor Storage of stack Library Books
09/01/2023 31/01/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Print Books for Library (Mech Engg Books)
10/01/2023 31/01/2023 CFQ: Procurement of print Books for Library(Recom by student)
05/01/2023 23/01/2023 CFQ: Procurement of Lithium Battery Bank in EV Lab