Army Institute of Technology
Permanently Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, NBA Accreditation(All UG Programs),NAAC Accredited
  • About Department
  • HOD's Desk
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Student Roll
  • Timetable
  • Exam Schedule
  • Result
  • Activities
  • Achievements/ Messages
  • Syllabus
  • Research & Development
  • Projects
  • Technical E-Magazine
  • Industry Institute Interaction
  • AAC and Dept Meeting Minutes
  • Placement Record
  • Laboratories

About Department

Degrees Offered : BE(Computers)

Duration : 4 years

Intake : 120 seats

Degrees Offered : ME(Data Science)

Duration : 2 years

Intake : 24 seats


To provide best quality education and research facilities to the wards of army personnel to produce globally competent computer engineering graduates.

Our Mission

  • M1: To provide state of the art infrastructure to the wards of army personnel to produce total quality computer engineer
  • M2: To create an environment which can promote the culture of research, innovation, creative, thinking, and higher studies
  • M3: To collaborate with industry fraternity to create entrepreneurs and technology leaders who are committed towards sustainable development of information society

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO1: To have high level of technical competency combined with research and problem-solving skills to generate innovative solutions in computer engineering or related areas
  • PEO2: To be able to communicate with various stakeholders and be able to practice their profession with high regard to social needs and diversity at their professional workplace
  • PEO3: To continuously upgrade in sync with the pace of technologies that are relevant to their career, participate in personal development and increasing their understanding of matters that are important to society at national and international levels

Program Outcomes (POs)

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO's)

  • PSO1: Ability to select and apply appropriate hardware and software tools to solve problems that require enhanced programming skills
  • PSO2: Ability to develop IOT and cloud-based solutions for emerging societal problems
  • PSO3: Ability to learn and apply industry 4.0 standards for solving industrial problems

Salient Features

  1. Department has been accredited by NBA till June 2025.
  2. Received various research grants from different funding agencies, recently received research of Rs. 7 Cr from central government
  3. Established following campus wide Network base infrastructure
    • Unified Wi-Fi Environment
    • Central Server Room
    • Maintenance Room for Wi-Fi and systems
  4. Technical Clubs
    • Augmented And Virtual Reality Club
    • Open-Source Software Club
    • Competitive Coding Club
    • Information Security Data Forensic Club
    • AI/ ML/ DS Club

Faculty Contribution

  1. Major contributions of faculty towards redesigning in curriculum of University of Pune by organizing Second Year & Third Year Syllabus Implementation workshops. All senior faculty members have contributed to curriculum development
  2. 5 faculty members are completed their PhD and 14 faculty members are registered for PhD
  3. Faculty have published 18 research papers and 4 patents in AY 2022-23
  4. Participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, and Faculty Development Program
  5. Each faculty member works as counsellor for a group of 15 to 20 students


  • Laboratories and classroom are equipped with up-to-date hardware, software, and Wi-Fi facility.
  • Departmental Library and conference room
  • R& D Project laboratory for final year students
  • E-Classroom to facilitate online teaching


  • Conducted workshops on 'Project Based Learning' for SE and TE students
  • Department is conducting yearly National level hackathon since 2015 under OSS Club
  • Department had organized AICTE sponsored Two-week short term training program 'Blockchain Technology' in one phases from 10th Nov 2022 to 21st Nov 2022
  • Conducted workshop on “Web Technology & Cloud Computing” For TE Students
  • Value added courses for SE & TE students are conducted every year as per the need to student for career development.


  • Department of Computer Engineering got NBA accreditation till 2025.
  • Received research grant of Rs.7 Cr from central government.
  • Faculty have published 40 research papers and 8 patents since July 2019.
  • Ms. Sawgatika Sahoo (BE Comp) received the award of COAS best all-around student.
  • Rajput Regiment trophy for best innovation is received by Akshay Sharma (BE Comp).
  • Ms. Amtul Maswara (BE Comp) received the G Rajshekhar Memorial Trophy (Best sport person).
  • Arjun Dashrath (SE Comp) won the Best Research Paper Award.
  • Devesh Joshi, student of 2022 batch has been selected in Amazon, Dublin with CTC of Rs. 1 Cr.

Laboratories and Software

  • The department is equipped with state of art, ultra-modern and sophisticated programming labs and classrooms with Internet facility.
  • The department has a well-established LAN of 150 Machines.The ambience and the ergonomic design of the labs enhance students' appetite for acquiring programming skills.
  • The internet facility with 1 Gbps from national knowledge network (NKN), 500 Mbps from Tata Communication & 500 Mbps from PGCL
  • All modern software tools are available in the Laboratory for Experiments

The department has following laboratories:

  • CSL Lab I & CSL Lab II equipped with 60 PCs used for programming in C, C++, and Visual Studio, Python, and cloud computing setup
  • CSL Lab III equipped with 25 PCs with 2 server used for .NET, Networking Labs, Digital Signal Processing Lab
  • CSL Lab IV equipped with 20 PCs used for FE and SE students
  • CSL Lab V equipped with 20 PCs used for FE and SE students
  • • CSL lab VI equipped with 20 PCs used for ME students
  • Texas Lab consist kits of BeagleBone Black to perform mini-projects on embedded system etc
  • Computer Hardware Lab equipped with IOT Devices with ESP8266 Wi-Fi MCU Kit and 23 PCs

All systems are dual boot. An ultra-modern class-rooms equipped with video projection systems and computer caters for conventional as well as e-learning needs.


  • Open-Source software’s (java, python, g++ etc.…)
  • Microsoft Windows 8 and Windows 10
  • Microsoft Project
  • Microsoft Office 2013
  • Code Blocks
  • Visual Studio
  • Oracle 11g
  • Sift/ Caine
  • VMWare
  • Masm/ Nasm
  • Mongo DB/ MySQL
  • QT framework
  • Wireshark/Ethereal and Packet Tracer
  • Raspberry Pi/Arduino Programming
  • Unity, C#, Blender

Student Centric Activities

  • Value added courses on Python, Java, Open GL, .NET etc.
  • Mini projects on Android Application Development, Embedded System
  • Workshop on Web Technology & Cloud Computing
  • Project Lifecycle Management Workshop
  • Guest Lecture on Operating System
  • Hackathon Participation
  • Information Security and Digital Forensics (ISDF) workshop
  • Blockchain & Its Application Workhop

Result and Placement

  • Consistently good result
  • In terms of placement, computer students have a wide scope of opportunities in various companies like, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, M-sigma, Thought work Infosys, Calsoft, Persistent, IBM, Wipro, Accenture, L & T Infotech, TATA Consultancy Services, etc
  • Average salary of 18.00 lacs in year 2022-23


  • Fortywo42 Technology Innovations Pvt. Ltd for research project, internship.
  • Microsoft MSDN volume license for Academic school collage agreement.
  • Copper cloud for IOT
  • Cyber Peace India Pvt Ltd.
  • Esec forte Technologies

HOD's Desk


Welcome to the Department of computer Engineering. Computer science and engineering provides not only the benefits of a well-paying job, but also the intellectual challenges of a creative and productive profession. Department offers bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineeringn and Master degree in Data Science. The department is accredited by NBA for its quality education.

The excellent infrastructure and experienced faculty are dedicated to improving the teaching-learning process and delivering high-quality education. We are especially proud of our Bachelor students' long and consistent placement records in various multinational software industries, Army, PSU.

The department has developed the state-of-art infrastructure, well equipped laboratories, departmental library, classrooms with modern teaching aids. various technical clubs in the department, such as Open-source club, Information security data forensic club, competitive coding club and Augmented reality and Virtual reality club helps the students in building expertise in the technical domains.

Computer engineering department prides itself on its faculty-student interactions with the goal of creating exceptional students who will go out into the world equipped with the tools needed to be extraordinary engineers. Faculty members are readily available to students in the department for coursework, laboratory questions, and academic and project advising. The Computer Engineering department has a team atmosphere dedicated to outstanding research and education, mentoring students, and maintaining a nurturing environment.

We welcome students to be the part of AIT to experience a new journey towards a successful engineering career.

Faculty & Staff

Faculty List

# Name of Staff Designation Email ID Qualification & Specialization
1 Dr S R Dhore HOD & Professor ME (Computer), PhD(Computer Engg)
2 Dr N K Bansode Professor ME (Computer), PhD(Computer Engg)
3 Dr Jayadevan R Associate Professor ME (Computer), PhD(Computer Engg)
4 Dr Sagar Rane Associate Professor M.Tech (C&IT), PhD (C&IT)
5 Mr M B Lonare Assistant Professor ME (Computer), PhD Pursuing
6 Mr P R Sonawane Assistant Professor ME (Computer), PhD Pursuing
7 Mrs Asha Sathe Assistant Professor ME (CSE), PhD Pursuing
8 Dr Vaishali Ganganwar Assistant Professor M.Tech (Computer), PhD
9 Ms Sushama A Shirke Assistant Professor M.Tech (Computer), PhD Pursuing
10 Mrs Rushali S Patil Assistant Professor ME (Computer), PhD Pursuing
11 Dr Sharayu Lokhande Assistant Professor ME (Computer), PhD
12 Ms Y T Hambir Assistant Professor ME (Computer), PhD Pursuing
13 Mr Anup P Kadam Assistant Professor M.Tech (Computer Network)
14 Dr Nikita Singhal Assistant Professor M.Tech (CSE), PhD
15 Dr Sita Yadav Assistant Professor ME (Computer), PhD in Computer Engg
16 Mr Kuldeep Hule Assistant Professor ME (CS&E), PhD Pursuing
17 Mr Mangesh Hajare Assistant Professor M.Tech (CS&T), PhD Pursuing
18 Ms Aarati Gangshetty Assistant Professor M.Tech (CS)
19 Mr Umakant Dhatrak Assistant Professor M.Tech(OE&CS)
20 Ms Trupti Katte Assistant Professor ME (CSE)
21 Ms Pradnya Tapkir Assistant Professor ME (CSE)
22 Ms Poonam Nagale Assistant Professor ME (CSE)
23 Ms Pallavi Edke Assistant Professor ME (CE)
24 Ms Shreya Jare Assistant Professor M. Tech (Network Security, Machine Learning)

Technical Staff

# Name of Staff Designation Email ID Qualification & Specialization
1 Mr K K Dass Programmer BCS
2 Mr U P Deolankar Tech Assistant DLTS-LRS
3 Mr K Prakash Lab Assistant DE&TCE
4 Mr Rahul Kadam Programmer BCA
5 Mr Ravindindra Desai Programmer AMIE CSE, DCE
6 Ms Priyanka Holkar Lab Assistant MCA
7 Mrs Varsha Sadawarte Lab Assistant DERE,ADCCSSAA
8 Mr Pramod Patil Lab Assistant Diploma in CSE
9 Ms Shraddha Suvarnkar Lab Assistant BCA
9 Mr Sandip Sonwalkar Lab Assistant BE(CSE)
10 Mr Mohan Mane Lab Assistant MCA

Faculty Summary

Sr No Academic Year
1 2023-24
2 2022-23
3 2021-22
4 2020-21
5 2019-20
6 2018-19
7 2017-18
8 2016-17
9 2015-16

Students Roll: AY 2024-25

Roll No Name of the Student
3201 Aadi Vinayak S
3202 Aarav
3203 Aditya Singh
3204 Aditya Singh Rawat
3205 Akhand Pratap Singh
3206 Alok Kumar Choubey
3207 Aman Singh Rajput
3208 Amardip Yadav
3209 Ankit Sunil More
3210 Archit Ojha
3211 Astubh Mishra
3212 Beer Singh
3213 Binit Kumar Lenka
3214 Bipasa Maji
3215 Brijesh Singh Yadav
3216 Chandra Kishor Singh
3217 Deepak Singh Bungla
3218 Dharya
3219 Gaurav Singh
3220 Goldi
3221 Harsh Kumar
3222 Harshit Singh
3223 Hitesh Kumar
3224 Krishna Kumar Yadav
3225 Mohit Kumar
3226 Mridul Kumar Pandey
3227 Mukul Joshi
3228 Neha
3229 Nikhil Shivhare
3230 Nitin Kumar
3231 P Guru Viswanath
3232 Pankaj Kumar
3233 Pradeep Kumar Sinwar
3234 Pranay Rahar
3235 Priyanka Koul
3236 Pushpendra Kumar Tiwari
3237 Rajdev Singh
3238 Rajnish
3239 Rakshit Kumar
3240 Rakshit Singh (J & K)
3241 Ravi Kumar
3242 Richhpal
3243 Rishab Mohapatra
3244 Riteshkumar
3245 Saksham Yadav
3246 Sameer Yadav
3247 Saurabh Mamgai
3248 Shivam Rana
3249 Shivani
3250 Shubham Kumar
3251 Shuryansh Singh
3252 Sohan Ghosh
3253 Sudhanshu Singh
3254 Sumit Nagila
3255 Tanuj Joshi
3256 Utkarsh Sachan
3257 Vachspati
3258 Vivek Kumar Behera
3259 Vivek Singh
3260 Yash Chaudhary
3261 Yuvraj Singh Shekhawat
3262 Shreyas Sandeep Indalkar
Roll No Name of the Student
7201 Aayush Kumar
7202 Abhay Joshi
7203 Abhay Suresh Pawar
7204 Abhinav Choudhary
7205 Abhishek Bachchis
7206 Abhishek Padhi
7207 Adarsh
7208 Aditya Gulab Gaikwad
7209 Ajay Kumar Singh
7210 Ajay Nyol
7211 Anish Kumar Kaler
7212 Anish Kumar Pandey
7213 Aradhana Kumari
7214 Ashish Bajpai
7215 Ashish Kumar
7216 Ashutosh Singh
7217 Ayush Kumar
7218 Bikash Kumar Sharma
7219 Daksh Dhaka
7220 Devanshu
7221 Dipak
7222 Divyanshi
7223 Dushyant Krishna Sharma
7224 Gaurav Bora
7225 Gaurav Saini
7226 Jatin Yadav
7227 Jayendra Singh Bhadoria
7228 Lalit Kumar
7229 Mahender Singh
7230 Manish
7231 Manish Kumar
7232 Mohit Kumar
7233 Mohit Yadav
7234 Mohitesh Thakur
7235 Mukul Rewar
7236 Navneet Singh
7237 Neha Joshi
7238 Nikhil Mehla
7239 Nishant Singh
7240 Pranavi Kundu
7241 Prathmesh Bhagwan Dhole
7243 Raj Parihar
7244 Raj Kumar
7245 Rajat
7246 Rishabh Kumar Sharma
7247 Rohit Sharma
7248 Sagar Sharma
7249 Sahil
7250 Saloni Bhardwaj
7251 Satyam
7252 Shibam Ghosh
7253 Shreyash Agarwal
7254 Soyal T K
7255 Subhi Jain
7256 Sumaanyu
7257 Sushant Sharma
7260 Vanshika
7261 Vishal
7262 Yakein Kumar
7263 Samir Game
Roll No Name of the Student
3301 Aarush Bisht
3302 Abhishek
3303 Abhishek Kumar
3304 Adarsh Verma
3305 Adesh Vitthal Veer
3306 Aditya Bharti
3307 Aditya Kumar
3308 Aditya Kumar
3309 Aditya Kumar Sahu
3310 Ankit Kumar Singh
3311 Ankit Rai
3312 Ankit Sharma
3313 Ankush Kumar
3314 Anuj Kumar
3315 Ashwani Kumar (J&K)
3316 Awanit Raj
3317 Ayush Pandey
3318 Bholenath Singh (J&K)
3319 Devansh Singh
3320 Dewanshu Judge
3321 Divyam Sharma
3322 Divyanshu Rai
3323 Gourav
3324 Harsh Nayan
3325 Himanshu
3326 Joses Rai
3327 Kaushal Vyas
3328 Khairnar Darshan Gorakh
3329 Khusbu
3330 Kinthada Bala Veera Kishore
3331 Manish Kumar
3332 Mohit Kumar
3333 Nabajit Das
3334 Navneet Kumar
3335 Nikhil
3336 Nishant Kumar
3337 Nitesh Singh
3338 Nitin Mahala
3339 Nitin Pathak
3340 Pallav Kumar
3341 Pallavi Santosh Shirsath
3342 Parthib Mondal
3343 Prabhat Singh
3344 Pradeep Kumar
3345 Pratham Kumar
3346 Priyanshu Vashishtha
3347 Pudi Siva Raj
3348 Rachamreddy Chennakesava Reddy
3349 Ritesh Kadian
3350 Sabir
3351 Sairaj Gorakshanath Adhav
3352 Satyajit Garud
3353 Shivam
3354 Simrandeep Singh
3355 Sudesh Puri
3356 Sumit Kumar
3357 Sundram Kumar
3358 Swet Singh
3359 Tanishk Soam
3360 Taufeeq Mushtaq Syed
3361 Vaishnavi Dalal
3362 Vishal Suthar
Roll No Name of the Student
7301 Aadit Singh
7302 Abhinash Samal
7303 Abhinav Babasaheb Shinde
7304 Adarsh Kumar
7305 Aditya Khichar
7306 Aditya Singh
7307 Akhilesh Patidar
7308 Akshit Singh
7309 Ankit Kumar
7310 Ankur Singh Kuntal
7311 Anurag
7312 Aryan Raj
7313 Ashish
7314 Ayush H
7315 Ayush Kumar Ghosh
7316 Chetan Singh
7317 Dakshat Rawat
7318 Darshan Dipak Garad
7319 Deepansu
7320 Dhruv Raj Singh
7321 Divyanshi Mishra
7322 Gagan Raghav
7323 Gaurav Kumar
7324 Gourav
7325 Gulshan Kumar Singh
7326 Harshita Kr
7327 Ishan Malhotra
7328 Jagdeep
7329 Jayant Kumar
7330 Khushia
7331 Krishan Singh Tomar
7332 Lokendra Kushwaha
7333 Mahindra Kumar
7334 Manish Pimoli
7335 Muskan
7336 Navjot Singh
7337 Pattoor Yashwanth Reddy
7338 Payal
7339 Piyush Dhamu
7340 Prabhat Kumar Mishra
7341 Pranshu Parashar
7342 Prashant Raina (J&K)
7343 Prathmesh Prashant Pol
7344 Priyanshu Kumar
7345 Ramanuj Chaubey
7346 Sachin Kumar
7347 Sachin Chauhan
7348 Sadasivuni Gnana Sagar
7349 Sahil Bhagirath Bhagat
7350 Sahil Yadav
7351 Sanjay Bhau (J&K)
7352 Shashank Singh
7353 Shashank Maikhuri
7354 Shorabh Singh
7355 Shreya Pradhan
7356 Sk Juned Afridi
7357 Subham Kumar
7358 Sumit Kumar
7359 Suraj Kumar
7360 Swastick Das
7361 Tisya Manhas
7362 Tusar Singh Nathawat
Roll No Name of the Student
3401 Aakash Sharma
3402 Aashutosh Singh Rawat
3403 Abdul Huq
3404 Akashdeep Singh
3405 Aman Sihag
3406 Aman Yadav
3407 Amlesh Kumar
3408 Ankit Kumar Pandey
3409 Ankit Pandey
3410 Ankush
3411 Anshuman Mourya
3412 Arnav Singh
3413 Aryan Deswal
3414 Aryan Gupta (J & K)
3415 Aryan Mishra
3416 Aryan Sharma (J & K)
3417 Asmita Tripathi
3418 Avadhesh Yadav
3419 Deepanshu Ghadwal
3420 Deewan Singh
3421 Dheeraj Kumar
3422 Dhruv Lohan
3423 Durgesh Parihar
3424 Gaurav Singh Chauhan
3425 Giriraj Singh
3426 Harsh Bisht
3427 Harshal Patil
3428 Himal Kumar Singh
3429 Jangveer Singh
3430 Kailash Raika
3431 Khushi Shah
3432 Kiran Kumar Saini
3433 Nazir Iqbal
3434 Nitin Kumar
3435 Nitin Kumar
3436 Pawan Singh
3437 Peddi Reddi Sri Vijayakiran
3438 Prafulla Shukla
3439 Pranav Laxman Daundkar
3440 Prikshit Sharma
3441 Priyanshu Tiwari
3442 Pulak Sasmal
3443 Rishuraj
3444 Rohit Kumar
3445 Ronak Kumar
3446 Sailesh Kumar Dubey
3447 Samir Rai
3448 Setlem Lokesh
3449 Shashvat Khajuria
3450 Shaurya Nagpal
3451 Shubham Ballal
3452 Sonam Bajpai
3453 Sunil Chaudhary
3454 Suraj Kumar
3455 Suraj Chandrakant Jagadale
3456 Tejaswi
3457 Utkarsh
3458 Varshit Reddy Nareddy
3459 Vikash Puri
3460 Vinay Tiwari
3461 Vivek
3462 Yuvraj Padhy
Roll No Name of the Student
7401 Aaryan Thakur
7402 Abhishek Kumar
7403 Abhishek Kumar
7404 Aditya Kurmi
7405 Akansha Dhami
7406 Akhil Kumar Jaiswal
7407 Amit Kumar
7408 Animesh Chaturvedi
7409 Ankit Gyandev More
7410 Anupam
7411 Anurag Singh
7412 Arnav Kshetri
7413 Aryan Kumar Singh
7414 Ashfan Alam
7415 Chandan Singh
7416 Deepak Yadav
7417 Dushyant Kuntal
7418 Gunna Anudeep
7419 Harsh Bhadauria
7420 Hemant Kumar
7421 Hemant Kumar Singh
7422 Hritik Singh
7423 Jayant Singh Bhadauria
7424 Karan Singh
7425 Kosana Sri Sai Maheedhar
7426 Madhur Mohit (J & K)
7427 Mayank
7428 Nikita Malik
7429 Nikita Pal
7430 Nithul K
7431 Nitin Kumar
7432 Pankaj Yadav
7433 Pankaj Kumar Gupta
7434 Pranay
7435 Prathmesh M Solaskar
7436 Pravendra Singh
7437 Pravesh Kumar
7438 Prem Maity
7439 Priya
7440 Priyanshu Rawat
7441 Rahul Mawaliya
7442 Rijul Kumar
7443 Ritik Ranjan
7444 Sahil Annaso Kamate
7445 Sangam Kumar Chaudhary
7446 Saurabh Chauhan
7447 Saurabh Pal
7448 Seemala Indu
7449 Shashwat Tiwari
7450 Shrasti Pandey
7451 Shreyas Joshi
7452 Sonam Kumari
7453 Sri Satyabratta Kar
7454 Srikaar
7455 Sumit
7456 Sumit Tanaji Shinde
7457 Surender Singh
7458 Tejaswini S Kurade
7459 Vaishnavi Singh
7460 Vivek Kumar
Roll No Name of the Student
6101 Ajit Tarade
6102 Akshay Lavhaji Patil
6103 Aman Chandra Kumar
6104 Anurag Chaudhary
6105 Bhavna Singh
6106 Devyani Anil Kshirsagar
6107 Dhruv Jayant Tillu
6108 Jatin Rawal
6109 Mahesh Dasharathe
6110 MD Ashraf
6111 Parwinder Singh
6112 Pooja Madhukar Patil
6113 Pradeep Kumar Bawaskar
6114 Priyanka Rupchand Kamble
6116 Ravi Sanjiv Shinde
6117 Rishikant Mallick
6118 Sanket Bagade
6119 Saravakota Raveendra
6120 Shubham Kulange
6121 Suman Kumar Sahu
6122 Sumit Vikas Pawar
6123 Thite Pravin Bajirao
6124 Yash Tulshiram Adak
Roll No Name of the Student
6201  Kalpana Kumari 
6202  Mayuri Gadekar 
6203  Pawan Kumar 
6204  Piyusha Vyavahare
6205 Priyanka Sagar 
6207  Rajesh Balaji Sagar 
6209  Sahil Sudhir Pawar 
6210  Sanjeev Kumar Malik 
6211 Saurabh Baghel 
6212 Sujit Sarkar

Exam Schedule


Result Analysis



AIT Topper List

ME Data Science 2023-24

Rank Name of the Student Percentage
1 Sahil Pawar 75.47
2 Sanjeev Malik 75.29
3 Priyanka Sagar 74.05

B.E. Computer 2023-24

Rank Name of the Student SGPA
1 Sahil Akthar Shaikh 9.61
2 Puja 9.43
3 Divya Pratap Singh 9.39

TE Computer 2023-24

Rank Name of the Student SGPA
1 Sonam Kumari 9.76
2 Avadhesh Yadav
Gunna Anudeep
Nikita Malik
3 Asmita Tripathi
Shreyas Joshi

SE Computer 2023-24

Rank Name of the Student SGPA
1 Bhagat Sahil Bhagirath 9.70
2 Khairnar Darshan Gorakh
Aditya Singh
3 Gourav 9.52


  • Various activities such as workshops on Java, Open GL, .NET etc.
  • Active participation of students in various activities.
  • Mini projects on Android Application Development , Embedded System.
FDP/STTP/Workshop Conducted by Department:
Expert Lectures Conducted by Department:

Faculty Activities

MOOC Courses Attended By Faculty :
Faculty Development Programs (FDPs)/ Workshops Attended By Faculty :

Student Activity & Achivement

MOOC Courses Attended By Students :
Achievements of Students:

Achievements/ Messages

  • Department of Computer Engineering got NBA accreditation of 3 years.
  • Recently received research grant of Rs. 7 Cr from central government.
  • Faculty have published 40 research papers and 8 patents since July 2019.

Ms. Sawgatika Sahoo (BE Comp) received the award of COAS best all-around student.

Rajput Regiment trophy for best innovation is received by Akshay Sharma (BE Comp).

Ms. Amtul Maswara (BE Comp) received the G Rajshekhar Memorial Trophy (Best sport person).

  • Arjun Dashrath (SE Comp) won the Best Research Paper Award in conference ‘Indian Engineering Congress’.
  • First Position at Smart India Hackathon 2020.

First Position at Hackpions – EY GDS Hackathon organized by EY Global, HackEd Hackathon [National Hackathon] and HackTU 2.0 organised by Thapar Institute of technology, Patiyala in 2021.

  • Honorable Mention at UniHack 2021 [International Hackathon]
  • Devesh Joshi student of 2022 batch has been placed in Amazon, Dublin with CTC of Rs. 1 Cr. Four students were placed at Microsoft with a CTC of Rs. 39.00 Lacs, and two students were placed at Amazon with a CTC of Rs. 28.00 Lacs
  • Naman Agarwal (Alumni, 2019), Raj Kumar, Amtul M Ahmed (BE COMP), Ritesh Lamba and Rishu Roy founded ‘CheqIt’- a startup offering anti-counterfeiting systems with trace and track.
  • Mohit Kumar (Alumni 2019), Deepak Kumar and Rutvik (BE Comp 2022) founded ‘myAImate’- Artificial Intelligence Educator for kids

Research & Development


Paper Published by Faculty

Paper Published by Students

Publications Summary

Year National Conferences International Conferences International Journals
2023-24 0 17 18
2022-23 0 5 17
2021-22 2 1 2
2020-21 1 5 23
2019-20 1 6 8
2018-19 0 2 4
2017-18 0 7 4
2016-17 0 5 4
2015-16 4 9 36

Ongoing Research




Sr. No. Academic Year Name of the organization with which the MoU is signed Year of Signing MoU Duration of MoU Link to the relative document
1.        2018-19 Microsoft MSDN volume license for Academic school college agreement. Nov-2018 03 Year MoU
2.        2020-21 A. Critical AI Private Limited Oct-2020 01 Year MoU
B. CopperCloud Apr-2021 03 Year MoU
C. SoftTech Data Security Aug-2020 05 Year MoU
3.        2021-22 A. Forty.Iwo4z Technology Innovations Pvt. Ltd. Nov-2021 03 Year MoU
B. Microsoft MSDN volume license for Academic school college agreement. Dec-2021 03 Year MoU
4.        2022-23 eSec Forte Technologies Pvt Ltd Oct-2022 05 Year MoU
5.        2023-24 CyberPeace Council Aug-2023 03 Year MoU

Technical E-Magazine

Industry Institute Interaction

Internship Details

Industrial Visits

AAC Minutes & Dept Meeting Minutes

AAC Meeting Minutes
Academic Year Month
2023-24 Sep-23
2022-23 Aug-22
2021-22 Aug-21
2020-21 Dec-20
2018-19 Jan-19
2017-18 Mar-18
2016-17 Jan-17
2015-16 Jul-15
2014-15 Dec-14

Departmental Meeting Minutes
Academic Year Month
2023-24 09 Nov 2023
2023-24 08 Aug 2023
2022-23 08 Feb 2023
2022-23 10 Oct 2022
2022-23 22 July 2022
2021-22 29 Mar 2022
2020-21 13 Jan 2021

Placement Record

Computer Engg
Year of Course Completion Number Registered Number placed Highest Salary Average Salary of all Students Placed
No %
2016-17 59 56 95 Rs 21.30 lakh Rs 7.30 lakh
2017-18 57 56 98 Rs 39.00 lakh Rs 8.00 lakh
2018-19 58 56 97 Rs 39.00 lakh Rs 10.46 lakh
2019-20 112 111 99 Rs 39.00 lakh Rs 8.70 lakh
2020-21 116 115 99 Rs 39.00 lakh Rs 11.45 lakh
2021-22 128 125 98 Rs 112.14 lakh Rs 16.23 lakh
2022-23 116 114 98 Rs 52.00 lakh Rs 16.00 lakh
2023-24 122 121 99 Rs 51.00 lakh Rs 13.00 lakh

Laboratories (PDF to view)

  • The department is equipped with state of art, ultra-modern and sophisticated programming labs and classrooms with fully updated facility.
  • The department has a well-established LAN of 150 Machines. The ambience and the ergonomic design of the labs enhance students' appetite for acquiring programming skills.
  • The internet facility with 1157 Mbps leased line, Wi-Fi facility is available in campus to students and faculty.

The department has following

  • CSL Lab I & CSL Lab II equipped with 60 PCs used for programming in C, C++, JAVA, Python, R programming, DBMS, Visual Studio and Android programming
  • CSL Lab III equipped with 25 PCs used for programming in C, C++, JAVA and Visual Studio and cloud computing setup.
  • Hardware Lab (Texas Lab) equipped with 30 PC's, have hardware instruments to conduct hardware practical's. Lab also consists kits of BEGALBONE BLACK to perform mini-projects on embedded system etc.
  • CSL IV equipped with 20 PCs used for programming in C, C++, JAVA programming
  • CSL V equipped with 20 PCs used for programming in C, C++, JAVA programming
  • CSL VI equipped with 05 PCs used for students, Cyber Security Project, BE Project

All systems are dual boot. An ultra-modern classrooms equipped with video projection system and computer caters for conventional as well as e-learning needs.

Software :
  • Open source software’s (java, python, g++, php etc.…)
  • Microsoft Windows 8 and Windows 10
  • Microsoft project
  • Microsoft Office 2013
  • Code Block
  • Visual Studio
  • Oracle 11g
  • Sift/ Caine
  • VMWare
  • Masm/ Nasm
  • Mongo DB/ MySQL
  • QT framework
  • Wireshark/Ethereal and Packet Tracer
  • Raspberry Pi/Arduino Programming
  • Unity, C#, Blender

Hardware Lab

Hardware Lab

Area of Laboratory: 105 Sq.m.

Laboratory In-charge : Prof. Sushama Shirke ; Lab Asst : Mr Deolankar U P


  • IBM Netvista A 30, 1GB RAM, 40GB HDD, KB, Mouse and CRT Monitor
  • LCD Projector, UPS system. Hardware Kits 8086,8051/31 and interfacing cards, Digital
  • Trainer kit, Digital Multi-meter and DC Power supply unit


  • Windows 8.1, NASM and XPO86

Practical conducted

  • SE - Digital Electronics and Logic Design
  • SE - Microprocessor and Interfacing Lab

Utilization of Laboratory

  • For SE Comp

Computer Software LAB I

Software Lab-I

Area of Laboratory: 77.5 Sq.m.

Laboratory In-charge: Prof. N.k.Bansode ; Lab Asst: Ms Shrddha Suvrnakar


  • Lenovo Think Center, Intel i5, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, KB, Mouse and LCD Monitor
  • HP COMPAQ Deskpro SB 6300, Intel i5, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD, KB, Mouse and LCD Monitor
  • LCD Projector, UPS system.


  • Windows 8.1/ Windows 10/Fedora 20, CAINE, Visual Studio 12, JDK1.7, Eclipse, MYSQL Server, ORACLE

Practical conducted

  • SE - Data Structure and Problem Solving
  • SE - Programming Lab
  • TE - Programming Lab I
  • TE - Programming Lab I

Utilization of Laboratory

  • For SE, TE & BE

Computer Software LAB II

Software Lab-II

Area of Laboratory: 77.5 Sq.m.

Laboratory In-charge : Prof. A.P.Sathe ; Lab Asst : Ms Priyanka Holkar


  • HP COMPAQ Deskpro SB 6300, Intel i5, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD, KB, Mouse and LCD Monitor
  • HP COMPAQ Deskpro SB 6200, Intel i5, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, KB, Mouse and LCD Monitor
  • LCD Projector, UPS system.


  • Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Fedora 20, CAINE, Visual Studio 12, JDK1.7, Eclipse, MYSQL Server, ORACLE

Practical conducted

  • SE - Operating Systems and Administration
  • SE - OOMP
  • TE - Programming Lab II & III BE- Elective II, Elective III

Utilization of Laboratory

  • For SE, TE & BE I

Computer Software LAB III

Software Lab-III

Area of Laboratory: 77.5 Sq.m.

Laboratory In-charge : Prof.(Dr.)R Jayadevan ; Lab Asst : Mr Ravindra Desai


  • Lenovo Intel core 2 duo, 3GB RAM, 250GB HDD, KB, Mouse and LCD Monitor
  • LCD Projector, UPS system.


  • Windows 8, Windows 10, Fedora 20, Visual Studio 12, JDK1.7, Eclipse

Practical conducted

  • SE - Soft Skill, Microprocessor Architecture
  • - Employment Skill Development Lab
  • BE - Object Oriented Modelling and Design

Utilization of Laboratory

  • For SE Comp, TE Comp & BE Comp

Computer Software LAB IV

Software Lab-IV

Area of Laboratory: 80 Sq.m.

Laboratory In-charge : Prof. A.P. Kadam ; Lab Asst : Mr K Prakash


  • IBM Netvista A 30, 1GB RAM, 40GB HDD, KB, Mouse and CRT Monitor, UPS system.


  • Windows 8.1,Fedora 20,Visual Studio 12, JDK1.7, Eclipse, MYSQL Server, ORACLE

Practical conducted

  • TE- CNS, WT
  • BE – Project

Utilization of Laboratory

  • SE Comp, TE Comp & BE Comp

Computer Software LAB V

Software Lab-V

Area of Laboratory: 70 Sq.m.

Laboratory In-charge : Prof.M.B. Lonare ; Lab Asst : Mr K Prakash


  • HP Core i7, 3.22GHz, 6MB Cache, Chipset Intel Q8, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, KB, Mouse and LCD Monitor
  • LCD Projector, UPS system


  • Windows 8, Fedora 20, Visual Studio 12, JDK1.7, Eclipse, MYSQL Server, ORACLE

Practical conducted

  • SE – Project Based Learning-II, Computer Graphics, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure Lab
  • TE- Computer Networks & security, Web Technology
  • BE – Project

Utilization of Laboratory

  • For SE Comp ,TE Comp & BE Comp

Computer Software LAB VI & Incubation Center

Software Lab-VI

Area of Laboratory: 115 Sq.m.

Laboratory In-charge : Prof.M.B. Lonare ; Lab Asst : Mr K Prakash


  • HP Core i7, 3.22GHz, 6MB Cache, Chipset Intel Q8, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD, KB, Mouse and LCD Monitor
  • LCD Projector, UPS system


  • Windows 10, Fedora 20, Visual Studio 12, JDK1.8, Eclipse, MYSQL Server, ORACLE

Practical conducted

  • TE- Cloud Computing
  • BE – Project
  • Cyber Security Project

Utilization of Laboratory

  • For TE Comp, BE Comp & Cyber Security Project