Army Institute of Technology
Permanently Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, NBA Accreditation(All UG Programs),NAAC Accredited
  • M.Tech Data Science Admissions
  • Eligibility
  • Fee Structure
  • Contact Information

PG Admissions 2025-26: M Tech (Data Science)


Standard Operating Procedure- Admission to M.Tech(Data Science)

Application form will start from 1 Apr 2025

Eligibility: Course Name-Data Sciences

Only the wards of regular Army, Air Force or Navy Personnel/ Ex-Servicemen/ War widows are eligible to apply. Candidate must have successfully completed his/her bachelor's degree in Engineering / Technology in any of the branches mentioned in below with a minimum score of 50 % along with a valid non-zero GATE score.

Non-GATE candidates are also encouraged to apply. Such candidates must have successfully completed their bachelor's degree in Engineering / Technology in any of the branches mentioned in APPENDIX-A with a minimum score of 50 %. However, their applications will be considered when there are vacant seats after considering candidates with valid non-zero GATE scores.

Eligible Branches for Admission:

1 3-D Animation and Graphics
2 Advanced Communication and Information System
3 Advanced Computer Application
4 Applied Electronics and Communications
5 Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
6 Automation and Robotics
7 Automation Engineering
8 Bioelectronics Engineering
9 Biotechnology
10 Civil Engineering (Environment and Pollution Control)
11 Civil Engineering(Environmental Engineering)
12 Communication Engineering
13 Computer and Communication Engineering
14 Computer Engineering
15 Computer Engineering (Software Engineering )
16 Computer Engineering and Application
17 Computer in Multimedia
18 Computer Networking
19 Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
20 Computer Science and Biosciences
21 Computer Science and Business Systems
22 Computer Science and Design
23 Computer Science and Engineering
24 Computer Science and Engineering ( Cyber Security)
25 Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
26 Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
27 Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
28 Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things and Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology)
29 Computer Science and Engineering (loT)
30 Computer Science and Engineering (Networks)
31 Computer Science and Engineering and Business Systems
32 Computer Science and Information Technology
33 Computer Science and Medical Engineering
34 Computer Science and Social Sciences
35 Computer Science and Systems Engineering
36 Computer Science and Technology
37 Computer Technology
38 Computing in Software
39 Cyber Physical Systems
40 E1ectrica1,E1ectronics and Power Engineering
41 Electrical and Computer Engineering
42 Electrical and Electronics (Power System )
43 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
44 Electrical Engineering
45 Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Power)
46 Electronic Instrumentation and Control Engineering
47 Electronics and Communication Engineering
48 Electronics and Communication Engineering (Bio-Medical Engineering)
49 Electronics and Communication Engineering (Industry Integrated)
50 Electronics and Communication Engineering (Microwaves)
51 Electronics and Communication Technology
52 Electronics and Communication(Communication System Engineering)
53 Electronics and Computer Engineering
54 Electronics and Computer Science
55 Electronics and Control Systems
56 Electronics and Electrical Engineering
57 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
58 Electronics and Power Engineering
59 Electronics and Telecommunication
60 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
61 Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
62 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (Technologynician Electronics Radio)
63 Electronics and Telematics Engineering
64 Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
65 Electronics Design Technology
66 Electronics Engineering
67 Electronics Instrument and Control
68 Electronics Instrumentation and Control Engineering
69 Electronics Science and Engineering
70 Electronics System Engineering
71 Electronics Technology
72 Geo Informatics
73 Industrial Engineering
74 Industrial Engineering and Management
75 Information and Communication Technology
76 Information Engineering
77 Information Science and Engineering
78 Information Science and Technology
79 Information Technology
80 Information Technology and Engineering
81 Instrument Technology
82 Instrumentation and Electronics
83 Instrumentation and Electronics
84 Instrumentation Engineering
85 Instrumentation Engineering
86 Instrumentation Technology
87 Manufacturing Process and Automation Engineering
88 Mathematics and Computing
89 Mechanical and Automation Engineering
90 Mechanical and Automation Engineering
91 Mechanical and Smart Manufacturing
92 Mechanical Engineering
93 Mechanical Engineering Design
94 Mechatronics Engineering
95 Medical Electronics Engineering
96 Nano Technology and Robotics
97 Nuclear Science and Technology
98 Optics and Optoelectronics
99 Power Electronics
100 Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
101 Power Electronics Engineering
102 Power Engineering
103 Radio Physics and Electronics
104 Robotics and Automation
105 Software Engineering
106 Telecommunication Engineering

Fee Structure

Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year
Academic Fees 1,00,000 95,000
Eligibility Fees 1,500 0
Exam Fees I sem 2,500 5,685
Exam Fees II sem 2,500 0
Technical Training/ Workshops 5000 0
Refundable CD 1,000 0
Total 1,12,500 1,00,685

Admission Contact Information

  • ARMY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ,Dighi Hills,Pune-411015
  • 7249250184/ 7249250185 Ext 2140
  • HOD Computer: 9890809251